Present: Abby Crocker, Kairn Kelley, Amanda Kennedy, Ben Littenberg
1. Presentation: Kairn: draft article on Inter-Rater Reliability
a. Kairn brought a draft of her article on Interrater Reliability. Helpful feedback was provided and revisions will be made.
b. Thanks to everyone for a really great session. Kairn was able to ask for and receive feedback that will move her forward nicely.
2. Workshop Goals for 2012:
a. Journal club: identify UVM guests and articles; invite to CROW ahead of time
b. Research updates: share work-in-process
3. Next Workshop Meeting(s): Thursday, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m., at Given Courtyard Level 4.
a. Apr 19: ask Amanda for a Journal Article: Brooke et al, 2009, MTA at 8 Years (no Connie)
b. Apr 26: Rodger? (no Connie)
c. May 3: ?
d. Future agenda to consider:
i. Ben: budgeting exercise for grant applications
ii. Ben: Writer’s workshop on the effect of the built environment on BMI (Littenberg & Austin Troy)
iii. Journal Club: “Methods and metrics challenges of delivery-system research,” Alexander and Hearld, March 2012 (for later in the year?)
iv. Rodger: Mixed methods article; article on Behavior’s Influence on Medical Conditions (unpublished); drug company funding. Also: discuss design for PCBH clinical and cost research.
v. Amanda: presentation and interpretation of data in articles
vi. Sharon Henry: article by Cleland, Thoracic Spine Manipulation, Physical Therapy 2007
Recorder: Kairn Stetler Kelley, MS/CCC-A
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