Thursday, September 25, 2014

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: Sept 25, 2014

Present:  Sylvie Frisbie, Kairn Kelley, Amanda Kennedy, Rodger Kessler, Ben Littenberg, Connie van Eeghen

Start Up:  On the Rise (in Richmond) is closing!  Many tears were shed while we happily ate their excellent food. 

1.                  Discussion: Honors College Course proposal
a.       Population: honors sophomores, about 19 years old
b.      Challenges
                                                  i.      Model for improvement: is this too challenging for the population?
                                                ii.      Interviews with new Americans: have the families come to class?
                                              iii.      Consider partnering with Rich and Halley to visit with new American office visits
                                              iv.      Consider two visits (one new American and one not) and compare/contrast;
1.      Remember that translator visits are scheduled, so easy to identify ahead of time
                                                v.      Consider community health center visits; also Planned Parenthood
                                              vi.      Consider migrant farmers – how to include?  Not necessarily
                                            vii.      The proposal describes a sociological course with some analytical skills; it does not, from a presentation perspective, talk about quality and health care – these terms and concepts must be explicitly defined and discussed
                                          viii.      Should this course “touch” on diversity?  Or be redesigned to focus on diversity?
1.      The focus of the course is to help learners understand that the U.S. health care system is not perfect AND that it can be changed. 
2.      The Model for Improvement project should be explicitly linked to a health care story of improvement, using the same tool
3.      “Diversity” can mean diversity of values (different stakeholders with different perspectives), rather than diversity in backgrounds or culture.  Consider using the issue of diversity as another perspective in an already complex course topic, not as one of its primary foci.  It may not meet the D1 or D2 definitions of UVM’s diversity requirements, but it doesn’t have to – it just has to address diversity.
c.       Suggestions:
                                                  i.      Change language to “Multiple perspectives”
                                                ii.      Define key concepts as the course progresses.  When it’s time to talk about diversity, ask: “What do we mean by diversity” and what do we mean by “difference/disparity/ discrimination” and how do you know what people really need or want?  By knowing their culture or asking them?
                                              iii.      Guest speakers can focus on a diverse range of perspectives: migrant workers, low SES,
                                              iv.      Key points
1.      What is health care
2.      What is quality
3.      What are values that influence perceptions of quality in health care
4.      What is improvement (and how do you do it?)
d.      Questions:
                                                  i.      Is it a good idea for students to go to family homes, when they might not know the limits of what they should get (in terms of information) and what they might be expected to provide for support?
                                                ii.      Is IRB approval needed for community interviews?
e.       Resources:
                                                  i.      CUPS office: support for service/community learning projects (Office of Community-University Partnerships & Service Learning found at

2.                  Next Workshop Meeting(s): Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., at Given Courtyard South Level 4.   Remember: the first 15 minutes are for checking in with each other.
a.       Oct 2: Kairn’s written response to an editor for resubmission (no Amanda)
b.      Oct 9: Rodger’s recently published article and commentary in response – Rodger to circulate
c.       Oct 16: Marianne’s topic - TBD

Recorder: Connie van Eeghen

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