Saturday, January 31, 2015

CROW meeting 1_30_2015

Called to order 11:05 am

Attending: M. Burke, K. Kelley (via polycom)

TOPIC: Feedback on Burke’s baseline provider survey regarding their use of medical information sources for care of patients with skin problems.

 The context of this survey within the study design was reviewed. After demographic and professional status questions, the survey asks primary care providers (subjects) to recall a critical incident – a recent time they saw a patient for a skin problem and whether or not they referred to an information source to support their knowledge in relation to the problem.  If so which information source, etc.
Discussion: Since the sample size of the provider participants is only going to be about 30, we would get information about at most thirty patient visits with this method.  It was suggested and agreed that the survey be re-worked to ask about the times in the last month (or last ten or so times) the provider saw a patient for a skin problem. And then ask how often they used an informational information source, and which one (or ones).

Kelley shared experience on IRB submission and amendment. This was much appreciated by Burke. Comments from Dr. MacLean sent by email were also appreciated.

The meeting adjourned at 11:50 to attend CTS Seminar.

Recorder: M. Burke

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