Present: Levi Bonnell, Marianne Burke, Justine Dee, Nancy Gell, Juvena Hitt, Ben Littenberg, Jen Oshita, Gail Rose, Liliane Savard, Adam Sprouse-Blum, Mariana Wingood, Connie van Eeghen, Sylvie Frisbie, Emily Tarleton, Lisa W Natkin (14)
1. Warm Up: Welcome back, everyone
2. Ben & Emily: review process includes patients, advocates, and other stakeholders; due Sept 29
a. Must be engaging and accessible to those who are not immersed in research
b. Objectives for this review: what are the barriers to approval for full application
c. Cone of Silence descends: Ben, Gail, Emily, Lisa
d. Title: does not reflect the patient, or patient voice
e. Background:
i. No definition of depression
ii. Language related to those affected and relationship to cost
iii. Consistency in referencing magnesium
iv. Tie outcomes strongly to patient-centered needs; what matters most to patients
v. Does PICOT framework need more explanation; tie to diagram
f. Aims
i. Aim 3: what is “uptake” intended to mean here
g. Comparators: clarify “adequate amounts” and the safety of the proposed dosing
i. Explain why serum magnesium is a good measure; tie to blood samples
ii. How will clinical remission be determined
iii. Explanation of dosage: need to clarify the target dosage
h. Population
i. What was the basis for choosing the subgroups for analysis; provide justification.
1. Some groups are co-linear; how was that included in estimate of sample size
ii. Clearer learning: what is being looked at and with which specific groups
iii. How will information about remission/change be communicated with PCPs?
i. Engagement
i. Specific engagement of people with experience in depression; characterize what this diagnosis is and the dilemma of making choices – this goes back to “what matters most to patients,” above
ii. Specify what engagement looks like
j. Design
i. Can the design be changed to a blinded study?
k. Discussion (Cone of Silence lifts)
i. There is a discussion of the placebo effect and this is a pragmatic trial, so a placebo is not possible and is not the purpose of a CER
ii. Challenges
1. Limited space with lengthy explanations needed
2. Specific instructions made some language requirements
iii. Why focus on mild to moderate – this is worth reconsideration
iv. Dosing issues are based on a pilot with no placebo; emphasize the patient-centered approach to a dose-response strategy
v. Rationale for Mg chloride vs Mg citrate
3. Next week: ?? Levi will figure it out.
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