Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: Oct 16, 2014

Present:  Marianne Burke, Kairn Kelley (by phone, after a scrubbed attempt to Skype), Ben Littenberg, Connie van Eeghen

Start Up:  Kairn had the opportunity to talk with a clinician about a planned audiology-related study based on an intervention that has been discredited for quite some time.  Coaching very determined people can be challenging, and possibly a good glimpse into the future of post-doctoral candidates.

1.                  Discussion Connie reviewed her presentation to Bridging the Divide: “Strategies for Managing Opioid Prescriptions.”  She received a cornucopia of new ideas and suggestions (in other words, the same kind of great input received by all those who come to this workshop).  Highlights:
a.       Punch line goes at the start of the presentation
b.      Clearly distinguish between “strategies” (which Ben pointed out aren’t really strategies but tactics) and “interventions”
c.       Use strategy numbers and names to connect to previous slides
d.      Replace the diagram: reflect both past and future workflows, but reflect them simply
e.       Complex graphs need to be reduced to a message that reinforces the punch line.  Go back to the message and re-do graphs to emphasize that point.
f.       Consolidate the Behavioral Health Integration slide for this presentation.  It’s a new topic, so either treat it like a sidebar and make a passing reference or build it into the entire presentation (which changes the point of the presentation). 
g.      Next step: Connie will revise and send out, asking for feedback by email.
h.      Thanks to all, present and not!

2.                  Next Workshop Meeting(s): Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., at Given Courtyard South Level 4.   Remember: the first 15 minutes are for checking in with each other.
a.       Oct 23: Kairn – Literature Review Draft for Feedback – or, "Dichotic Listening Test Review: Enhancement of a Manuscript Through Bullet-List(s) and Table(s)"
b.      Oct 30: Marianne’s topic – doctoral fellowship application(s)
c.       Nov 6:TBD

Recorder: Connie van Eeghen

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