Thursday, March 31, 2016

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: March 31, 2016

Present:  Nancy Gell, Juvena Hitt, Kairn Kelley, Ben Littenberg, Gail Rose, Connie van Eeghen

Start Up:  Judy Shaw is seeking PIs…. Let her know if you’re interested!

1.                  Discussion: Ben provided a draft of a poster “Variability in the Implementation of Integrated Behavioral Health” for NAPCRG (North American Primary Care Research Group)
a.       Audience: academic clinicians with an interest in translational science
b.      Feedback:
                                                  i.      Typos corrected – thank you!
                                                ii.      Make the order of lowest scoring items match between bar chart and list.   Consider remapping y axis to a scale of 0-100 and extend the range of the y-axis to its max.
                                              iii.      Reorder the x axis of the box plot graph
                                              iv.      Add QR code for PIP
                                                v.      Acknowledge other team members
                                              vi.      There are no few items that tell the whole story; all 30 items contribute
1.      Factor analyses showed that dropping items reduces discrimination
                                            vii.      There is no consensus on “passing grade” of integration
                                          viii.      Identify the p values for significant differences between subgroups
                                              ix.      Consider reformatting the box plots to compare within domain (rather than within type of practice)
                                                x.      Consider adding color, means, and labels to the handout to match the bar graph.  Consider adding on watermark to the handout to identify the PIP version used.
                                              xi.      Change 2nd aim to focus on variability among items in the PIP; test for significance among items
c.       Ben to revise and update.

2.                  Next Workshop Meeting(s): Thursdays, 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m., at Given Courtyard South Level 4.   
a.       April 7, 2016: Nancy Gell on grant proposal
b.      April 14, 2016: Marianne?
c.       April 21, 2016: no Connie, Kairn
d.      April 28, 2016: Marianne?

Recorder: Connie van Eeghen

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