Thursday, January 28, 2010

2/19/10 Workshop topic: Managing our Data

Peter Callas will attend Workshop on February 19 to share his perspectives on our questions about basic data managment, with special attention to active projects that collected data on paper forms.

*What are some methods that can be used for error checking data?
*How can we set up double-data entry as an error checking strategy in Excel?
*How can we keep track of data that came in a form we didn't expect (e.g., age: 40-something)?
*How can we keep the dataset clean through different phases of data-entry and manipulation?

Post a comment to add questions/topics you'd like addressed during this session to help us organize our discussion.


Monday, January 25, 2010

The Impact and Potential of Community-Based Exercise and Nutrition Interventions: Program Implementation, Behavioral Adherence, and Effects of Participation on Body Weight, Dietary Habits, and Physical Activity

Department of Rehabilitation and
Movement Science

"The Impact and Potential of Community-Based Exercise and Nutrition Interventions: Program Implementation, Behavioral Adherence, and Effects of Participation on Body Weight, Dietary Habits, and Physical Activity"

Monday, February 1, 2010     11:00 – 12:00 pm
107 Rowell

Presentation by
Rebecca Seguin, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Group Health Research Institute
Staff Scientist/Project Director, Public Health Sciences Division
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Seattle, WA

The Department of Rehabilitation is hosting this candidate who is applying for a faculty position within our department.

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: Jan 22, 2009

Present: Matt Bovee, Kairn Kelley, Rodger Kessler, Connie van Eeghen
Absent: Abby Crocker, Kim Dittus, Liz Chen, Amanda Kennedy, Charlie MacLean, Ben Littenberg, Maria Ramos, Alan Rubin

1. Start up: Trandisciplinary Research Initiative - Public Health and Health Policy update at UVM – open forum meetings for faculty/staff/students next week

2. Roundtable, with update, short term goals, long term goals

a. Connie: Update on research project: review of completed surveys
i. Issues noted for 11 surveys completed out of 19
1. 2 entries for a one entry question (#22): are “medical assistant” and “front office staff” the same? And “billing/medical records”? Don’t change – make it a “pick as many as apply” kind of response.
2. Question 25: years in the practice that are ranges (“2002 – 2003”). New rule: pick the lowest year, calculate the number of years in the practice, and add “0.5”
3. Caring and valuing something might be different – is the confounder question really a confounder? Maybe, but don’t change the survey. Make it a discussion issue in that chapter of the dissertation.
4. Anonymity – too much demographics? No need to change; request for data is a minimum to describe the population of respondents between the pre- and post-results
5. Age vagueness: middle of the range? “Fortyish” goes in as an alpha response, there will be a calculated field based on a “mid-range” rule: 45
6. Straight line response: what to do when the confounder question confounds the results?
a. Change the appearance of question: BOLD AND CAPITALIZE the “not” part of the confounder question and italicize it for future surveys.
i. I think that QI projects are not valued in our practice. Change to:
1. I think that QI projects are NOT valued in our practice.
b. Keep the one “straightline” response but create a category for “straightline” response; probably won’t make a difference in the
7. Some answers are vague in that they don’t remember QI but they have opinions about it – no changes to survey needed.
8. Providers have been there longer; front office staff shorter – are we missing some longer term front office staff? Maybe; could be turnover. Can find out based on the tenure of entire group of front office staff in this practice. Do this for all three “buckets” of staff: providers, nurses, and front office and similar roles (altogether)
9. Differences in cohort:
a. Providers: more positive, more comments
b. Nurses: less positive but positive, fewer comments
c. Front office: neutral or negative, no comments at all
10. Post survey questions: need to capture the changes made by the A3 process in the survey itself (e.g. same day lead screening and routing patient letters from providers)
a. Ask the QI team to confirm how to identify the QI process changes – not as an IRB amendment; keep in discussion of methods in dissertation chapter. This is not a change in procedure; Connie frequently talks to the team members about the QI process.
b. Put new descriptor in new post-survey to send as part of IRB amendment
c. Ask Gale Weld if I need a new amendment for every post-project survey. The pitch is not to add to her workload but to make sure “that the question captures the intention of what the survey is; materially it won’t change the nature of the survey”
ii. Rodger: finished testifying – congrats!
1. Note: AHRQ is posting many RFP/RFAs for comparative effectiveness. The timing of these announcements (which is quick) is reducing the size of the pool of applicants.
iii. Matt: accessing the resources on the BlogSpot – reviewed the “how to” but got stuck trying to access the Internet. To be continued.

3. Next Fellows Meeting(s): Jan 29, 2009 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., at Given Courtyard Level 4
a. Jan 29: Rodger’s survey
b. Future agenda to consider:
i. Kairn will ask for help from Peter Callas to teach us about data entry/management, possibly for Feb 5
1. Double entry in Excel so that the spreadsheets cross validate the entry
2. Moving Excel into Stata
ii. Future book club assignment: Atul Gawande’s “The Checklist Manifesto” (go to for downloadable copy)
iii. Skype demo: Connie & Matt? Wait until Amanda K is back. Or do twice?
iv. Future: Review of different types of journal articles (lit review, case study, original article, letter to editor…), when each is appropriate, tips on planning/writing (Abby)
v. Future: Informed consent QI: Connie to follow up with Nancy Stalnaker, Alan Rubin will follow up with Alan Wortheimer or Rob McCauly
vi. Workshop’s WIP (the history document) – discuss goals and progress, make recommendations, review and modify document, add Fellows’ orientation

4. Fellows document – nothing new this time

Recorder: Connie van Eeghen

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: Jan 15, 2009

Late posting from last week:

Present: Kim Dittus, Kairn Kelley, Rodger Kessler, Ben Littenberg, Connie van Eeghen
Absent: Abby Crocker, Matt Bovee, Liz Chen, Amanda Kennedy, Charlie MacLean, Maria Ramos, Alan Rubin

1. Start up: Bit of a late start up; January thaw must be giving us spring fever!

2. Roundtable, with update, short term goals, long term goals

a. Connie: Update on research project
i. Overview: First of six (?) case studies on QI in an office practice setting using office analysis (A3)
1. Is there a measure for time needed to do the lead screening or time saved for the provider to spend more time with the patient
2. The difference between letter writing solution (routing letters) and lead screening (same day testing) was based on need: where was the most pain felt by the stakeholders
3. How to motivate the health system to pay attention to lead screening when lead screening is not a motivator
ii. Recruitment issues: two plans – do both
1. New technology for lead screening – recruitment based on family medicine and pediatrician interest in easier lead testing
2. New context – recruitment based on needs assessment for any office practice (regardless of specialty) willing to participate. Need new recruitment letter and new IRB amendment
iii. Survey – updated with suggestions
1. Check pre-surveys for any issues related to completion of past survey
2. Return with examples for future Friday workshop

3. Next Fellows Meeting(s): Jan 22, 2009 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., at Given Courtyard Level 4
a. Jan 22: Matt or Kim to be invited to update; Connie update on pre-survey responses (no Ben)
b. Future agenda to consider:
i. Jan 29: Rodger’s survey
ii. Future book club assignment: Atul Gawande’s “The Checklist Manifesto” (go to for downloadable copy)
iii. Skype demo: Connie & Matt? Wait until Amanda K is back. Or do twice?
iv. Future: Review of different types of journal articles (lit review, case study, original article, letter to editor…), when each is appropriate, tips on planning/writing (Abby)
v. Future: Informed consent QI: Connie to follow up with Nancy Stalnaker, Alan Rubin will follow up with Alan Wortheimer or Rob McCauly
vi. Workshop’s WIP (the history document) – discuss goals and progress, make recommendations, review and modify document, add Fellows’ orientation

4. Fellows document – nothing new this time

Recorder: Connie van Eeghen

FW: Submissions for New England Region SGIM Meeting

This meeting is a good place for presentations about adult primary care.
From: Quione Rice []
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 7:35 AM
To: Quione Rice
Subject: Submissions for New England Region SGIM Meeting

The deadline for submissions for scientific abstracts, vignettes, innovations, and workshops for the New England Region SGIM meeting is February 11, 2010 at 7am. You can go to for information and online submissions.

Also, we are taking nominations for President-Elect of the New England Region of SGIM. If you want to nominate someone (including yourself), please contact Jeff Linder at<> by February 5. The election will be held between Feb 9 and Feb 25.

We're looking forward to seeing you at the meeting on April 2, 2010.

Quione Rice
Regional Meetings Coordinator
Society of General Internal Medicine
2501 M Street NW, Suite 575
Washington, DC 20037
202-887-5405 (fax)<>

Book Club

I just finished The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande and found it thrilling! (Yes, checklists can get your pulse up!) I suggest we have a book club to read and discuss the book together.

It works like this: we pick a time to meet perhaps every other week or so. We agree to read a chapter or two of the book before each session and be prepared to say at least one thing about the reading: a question, a comment, or anything that came to mind from the readings.  Then we get together to talk for an hour. It is all strictly voluntary. The goal is to encourage discussion and academic interchange and nothing more.

We've done this many times in the past and its great fun, so please look out for a Doodle from Debi.


PS - The books are on the program!

AHRQ Career Development Awards

In Fiscal Year 2010, AHRQ intends to support individual mentored and independent career-development grants (I.e., K01, K02, K08 grants) to doctorally-prepared clinicians and scientists interested in pursuing research careers related to the prevention and more effective management of health care associated infections (HAIs).  The objective of individual career development grants is to provide support and "protected time" for an intensive, mentored or independent research career development experience.  Details on the scope, eligibility, deadlines, and application procedures for these grants can be found at one of the following sites:, or

Applicants must have an interest in developing their careers on research related to infections that patients acquire during the course of receiving treatment for other conditions within a healthcare setting including: acute care areas within hospitals, same day surgical centers, dialysis centers, ambulatory outpatient care clinics, and long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities.  These HAIs are associated with a variety of causes, including, but not limited to: the use of medical devices, complications following a surgical procedure, transmission between patients and healthcare workers, or the result of antibiotic use. The morbidity and mortality associated with HAIs, including those HAIs caused by antibiotic-resistant organisms, exact a significant toll on human life and result in staggering costs.

Research priorities related to this Special Emphasis Notice are the: 1) the development, implementation and demonstration of strategies and interventions the prevent and manage HAIs, along with the determination of the costs of such interventions; 2) determination of the efficacy and effectiveness of preventative interventions; and 3) population-level studies on the patient risk factors, sources, and disease genotypes of antibiotic-resistant organisms that can result in HAIs.  The scientific and practical knowledge to be achieved through these research and demonstration efforts will identify the practical and cost-effective approaches to preventing and managing HAIs.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Interactions between physical activity, obesity and cardiometabolic risk: a public health perspective

The Department of Rehabilitation and Movement Science hosts:

“Interactions between physical activity, obesity and cardiometabolic risk: a public health perspective”

Thursday, January 28, 2010, 11:00 – 12:00 pm 107 Rowell

Presentation by Sarah Camhi, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Population Science
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Baton Rouge LA

The Department of Rehabilitation is hosting this candidate who is applying for a faculty position within our department.

The Protective Effects of Physical Activity on Childhood Obesity and Components of the Metabolic Syndrome

Department of Rehabilitation and Movement Science hosts: "The Protective Effects of Physical Activity on Childhood Obesity and Components of the Metabolic Syndrome" Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:00 – 12:00 pm 107 Rowell Presentation by Connie Tompkins, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher Tulane University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology The Department of Rehabilitation is hosting this candidate who is applying for a faculty position within our department.

American Heart Association Heart Walk June 13

From: Cushman, Mary []
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:03 AM
Subject: American Heart Association Heart Walk June 13

I'm writing to invite you to join our team, the Clot Busters, for the AHA Heart Walk on Sunday June 13. This great community event raises awareness of the importance of physical activity in improving health. Attendees participate in teams, there are exhibits and contests, then a relatively short walk around the UVM campus. Moreover and most importantly, the event raises money for AHA, an organization that is committed to supporting medical research in cardiovascular medicine. Many of us have had AHA funding (I received my first grant from AHA) along the way, and participating in the Heart Walk is one way you can give back and show your pride in what you have accomplished in your research life.

Please take the link below to join us! I'm hoping we can convene a team to raise lots of enthusiasm for this effort! I think that UVM and FAHC have been under-represented at this event in some years, and it will be nice for us to have a presence there as well.



Mary Cushman, MD, MSc
Professor of Medicine
University of Vermont and Fletcher Allen Health Care
208 South Park Drive
Colchester, VT 05446
phone: 802-656-8968
fax: 802-656-8965

Friday, January 22, 2010

FW: UVM 2010 Student Research Conference

From: UVM Faculty & Staff [UVMFACULTYSTAFF@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Domenico Grasso []
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:05 PM
Subject: UVM 2010 Student Research Conference


The University of Vermont

Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College

Announcement of On-Line Application Forms for
2010 UVM Student Research Conference
(Forms Due 2/16/10)


The 2010 UVM Student Research Conference will be
showcasing excellence in research, scholarship, and creative works
by UVM graduate and undergraduate students
on April 22nd, 2010 in the Dudley H. Davis Center.

To submit an abstract to the 2010 UVM conference,
please visit<>
and follow the links to the on-line application page.

We look forward to your participation!

UVM 2010 Student Research Conference
April 22, 2010
7:30AM - 4:00PM
Dudley H. Davis Center

The 2010 UVM Student Research Conference is being made possible by early and generous support from the UVM Office of the Vice President for Research, the Graduate College, Academic Support Programs, the Center for Teaching and Learning, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, the College of Medicine, the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, the Graduate Student Senate, the Honors College, the Living/Learning Director's Office, the Living/Learning SURF Suite, the McNair Scholars Program, the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, and the School of Business Administration.

Please visit our website<> to become a 2010 SRC contributor!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Opportunity: Postdoctoral Fellow in Metagenomics/BIOINFORMATICS @ University of Vermont

The Bioinformatics Core of the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) at the University of Vermont ( has an immediate opening for a highly motivated bioinformatics postdoctoral fellow. Burlington Vermont is ranked in the top ten best places to live in the US. The city is highly rated for being family friendly, bicycle friendly and green. It was ranked as the healthiest city in the US in 2008 by the CDC.

The successful candidate will lead a metagenomics project to study cyanobacterial algae blooms in Lake Champlain, including development of methods for assessing changes in algae blooms over time using next generation sequencing technology. The project is part of a five state consortium and presents an opportunity to develop skills in leading a cross disciplinary collaborative research project.

Opportunities to participate in other research projects through the Bioinformatics Core are available.

- Requirements include a Ph.D. in the biological sciences or related field.

- Programming experience in a UNIX environment using programming languages such as Perl, Python, or Ruby, and relational databases such as MySQL is required.

- The successful candidate must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

- The ideal candidate will have experience in programming and high-throughput analysis of genomic data.

- Experience with genome assembly and metagenomic analysis is desirable, but not required.

- Demonstrated ability to work both independently and within a small team is desired.

- Applicants should have the ability and desire to provide research leadership to a diverse group of collaborators.

One year minimum, two year maximum term under ARRA funds.

The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USA.

Salary is set at $70,000 with full benefits from the University of Vermont.

Interested applicants should submit a CV and three letters of recommendation to James Vincent at Contact James Vincent directly with any questions.





This announcement was sent by the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) using a resource designed to improve the exchange of information among Vermont scientists (ERIS-Exchange of Regional Information for Scientists). We apologize if this email has been an intrusion. You received this notification because of your affiliation with a unit (for example, a department).

If you do not wish to receive further emails from this VGN resource, you may unsubscribe by using the following link:

If you have any problems with this link please feel free to contact us at:

Opportunity: BIOINFORMATICS Research Associate @ University of Vermont

Dear Colleages,

The Bioinformatics Core of the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) at the University of Vermont ( has an immediate opening for a highly motivated bioinformatics research associate. The position is a non-tenure track faculty appointment. VGN is an NIH funded state program for building biomedical research infrastructure. The research associate will play a key role in metagenomics, genome assembly and annotation projects. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in multiple projects involving integration of high-volume data sets, design and implementation of data processing pipelines, and analyses of genomic and metagenomic data.

- Ph.D. in Biological Science or related field, or an equivalent combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and abilities can be acquired

- Programming experience in a UNIX/Linux environment using programming languages such as Perl, Python, or Ruby, and relational databases such as MySQL is required.

- The candidate should be familiar with widely used genomic databases and software.

- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

- The ideal candidate will have experience in programming and high-throughput analysis of genomic data.

- Experience with genome assembly and metagenomic analysis is desirable.

- Candidates with training in statistics are highly desired.

- Demonstrated ability to work both independently and within a small team is desired.

Applicants must apply online at Look for job requisition #032807 under the Dept. of Biology. Please include a cover letter highlighting key qualifications and interests, CV and a list of 3 references. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until suitable candidates are found.

Contact Dr. James Vincent (, Director, Bioinformatics Core, Vermont Genetics Network for more information.

The University of Vermont is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, is committed to increasing faculty diversity and welcomes applications from women and underrepresented ethnic, racial and cultural groups and from people with disabilities.

This announcement was sent by the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) using a resource designed to improve the exchange of information among Vermont scientists (ERIS-Exchange of Regional Information for Scientists). We apologize if this email has been an intrusion. You received this notification because of your affiliation with a unit (for example, a department).

If you do not wish to receive further emails from this VGN resource, you may unsubscribe by using the following link:

If you have any problems with this link please feel free to contact us at:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 Frymoyer Scholars ~ RFP deadline Feb 26th

-Benjamin Littenberg

From: Randall, Maura L
To: COM Faculty List
Cc: Youngberg, Sheri L
Sent: Tue Jan 19 16:20:42 2010
Subject: 2010 Frymoyer Scholars ~ RFP deadline Feb 26th


We want to call your attention to an important educational opportunity that is available to faculty involved in teaching our students--the Frymoyer Scholars Program.  The Frymoyer Scholars Program supports physicians and nurses who are actively engaged in teaching University of Vermont medical and nursing students and who embody the best qualities of the clinician teacher.  More details about the program can be found via the website links below. 

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity by submitting a proposal over the next few weeks.  Applications for 2010 are due by February 26, 2010. We have awarded 17 scholarships over the past 9 years and the results accomplished by Frymoyer Scholars have enhanced the learning needs of our students significantly.  We look forward to two more award winning projects this year. 

Please contact Sheri Youngberg at 656-0724 or for further information.

Frederick C. Morin, III, M.D., Dean

William B. Jeffries, Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education

Frymoyer Scholars page on the OME website:

Frymoyer Scholars brochure on the OME website

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Vermont Biosciences Save the Date

From: Vermont Biosciences Alliance []
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 9:58 AM

Please save the date for the
Vermont Biosciences Alliance
February Event!

Bioscience Policy and Legislative Priorities for 2010

When: Tuesday, February 23rd at 4:00 p.m.

Where: Given Building Atrium, University of Vermont, Burlington

We'll learn from bioscience leaders in public policy, business and research about the major policy and legislative issues that could
affect Vermont's vibrant bioscience business and research community.

Your comments and feedback will be welcomed on the issues that matter most…and on what should be done.

There'll be time to talk with colleagues and friends…and to make lots of new ones.

More details to follow soon.

Want to help VBSA grow? We welcome your help in planning more events and VBSA's other activities! If you're interested, please
let us know by sending an e-mail to Bret Golann at:<>

Friday, January 15, 2010

FW: Apply Now! NHLBI-Northwestern University Population Studies Workshop

From: NUCATS Institute []
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:09 AM
To: Littenberg, Benjamin
Subject: Apply Now! NHLBI-Northwestern University Population Studies Workshop

NHLBI-Northwestern University
Population Studies Workshop
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
July 11—14, 2010

Women's Health Initiative (WHI)
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC)

Workshop Objectives:
• To make data from NHLBI-sponsored population studies more accessible and understandable to investigators not currently involved in these long term studies
• To increase opportunities for collaborations among investigators
• To enable each participant to draft a manuscript proposal by the end of the workshop using data from one or more of the population studies presented

Junior investigators (K-awardees; junior faculty; new Investigators; post-doctoral fellows with previous research experience) are specifically invited to attend.

Presenters include NHLBI staff, senior investigators and data analysis staff from WHI and ARIC. Registration fee for the workshop is $300 (includes tuition, hotel accommodations, & some meals). Some financial assistance available. Inquiries are invited.

Additional Information:
For more details regarding the Population Studies Workshop please visit:<>


NUCATS Institute
750 N. Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312.503.7952

Click Here<> to be removed from this list

FW: Class of 2012 Public Health Projects Poster Session & Community Celebration ~ On Behalf of Assoc Dean Jan Carney

This is always a fun event, I'm sorry I will miss it myself.
From: Randall, Maura L []
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 8:58 AM
To: COM Faculty List; COM Staff List; MEDDEAN-Announcements
Subject: Class of 2012 Public Health Projects Poster Session & Community Celebration ~ On Behalf of Assoc Dean Jan Carney

Class of 2012
Public Health Projects

Poster Session & Community Celebration

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Time: 4:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Place: University of Vermont
89 Beaumont Avenue
Health Science Research Facility Building
HSRF 100 Hoehl Gallery

You are invited to join medical students of the Class of 2012 and their faculty mentors in a poster display session at the University of Vermont, College of Medicine. Work from all 16 project groups will be displayed in a poster session summarizing their work. Students and faculty mentors will be available to answer questions and share their findings. Refreshments will be served.

Please come and help us celebrate the work of the Class of 2012 as they complete their Public Health Projects!

RSVP to Aaron Hurwitz, email<> or by phone 656-8522 no later than January 22, 2010.

Jan K. Carney, MD MPH
Associate Dean for Public Health
Course Director

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FW: Internal Grant Program (IGP) Bridge Support Program (BSP) ~ Deadline February 1


We call your attention to the following funding opportunities available through the College of Medicine. Application forms, instructions and additional guidelines are available via the attached RFA.


Internal Grant Program (IGP)
Bridge Support Program (BSP)

Ira M. Bernstein, M.D.
Senior Associate Dean for Research and Academic Affairs

Wolfgang R. Dostmann, Ph.D.
Chair, Research Committee

Friday, January 1, 2010

Comparative Effectiveness Research

NIH just released 5 new RFAs on Comparative Effectiveness Research. These RFAs come from the Office of the Director rather than any one institute, which is significant, I think. They call for large and small Randomized studies as well as development of new methods in CER. Several of them are specifically designated for work on Behavioral Economics.  They have big budgets but short time lines for submission.
  • Recovery Act Limited Competition: Comparative Effectiveness Research on Upper Endoscopy in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Eradication Methods for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Dementia Detection and Management Strategies (RC4)
    Application Receipt Date(s): February 26, 2010