Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: May 25, 2023


Present:   Justine Dee, Juvena Hitt, Emily Houston, Jerry Landau, Charlie MacLean, Jen Oshita, Liliane Savard, Adam Sprouse-Blum, Connie van Eeghen (9)

 1.                   Warm Up: Welcome to Jerry Landau, new CTS PhD student!

2.                   Jen’s manuscript:  Jen is asking for  comments on her CD Accommodation Services paper.  Her specific questions are:

a.       Title – is Communication Accompaniment too vague to include in the title? 

                                                   i.      Audiences in the two proposed journals are very different; goal is to reach a broad audience

                                                 ii.      Is the term necessary?  Liliane recommended “recommendations” or just “communication”

                                               iii.      Consider including “Older adults” in title

b.       Intro – General feedback on organizational flow, enough background lit? 

                                                   i.      The flow from older to all those with CDs and then to older is a little hard to follow

                                                 ii.      Does “older adult” need to be defined (new line 37)

                                               iii.      Carefully state the meaningful part of cited studies, see new lines 46-48

c.       Results and Discussion – Can it be cut anywhere?  

                                                   i.      Clarify how the sample represents 42m people – move to Methods?

                                                 ii.      Check author instructions re: whether stats need to be in both text and tables

                                               iii.      Do the differences found in social groups represent meaningful differences?  How do we know?  There is no gold standard but we don’t encourage this kind of disparity and we might want to have a target that reduces this disparity

3.                   Schedule for rest of the month:

a.       June 1 - Jen O. Survival Analysis paper

b.       June 8- Open

c.       June 15- Jen O. Healthcare Accommodations paper

d.       June 22- Emily WPC posters

Recorded by: CvE

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: May 11 2023


Present:   Justine Dee, Emily Houston (for start), Liliane Savard, Connie van Eeghen, Liz Winterbauer (5)

 1.                   Warm Up: The final requirements of the Dissertation per the Grad School – whew!

a.       Continue at Thursdays at 11a?

                                                   i.      No conflicts

b.       Virtual or in person?

                                                   i.      Some preferences for virtual

c.       Year round or two semesters only?

                                                   i.      Some support for summer

                                                 ii.      OK to cancel or skip as needed

d.       Amanda: Ben doing well; looking forward to come back

2.                   Justine's scoping review, latest draft with the abstract as the newest addition; overall she is looking for general feedback on clarity and flow of the results and discussion. Audience for publication are physical therapists – so PT journal or “journal on rehabilitation of torture victims”.

a.       Complete paper now!

b.       Discussion of what the research questions are, the “scope” of a scoping review, what the outcomes should look like, and what the conclusions can include

3.                   Next few weeks:  

a.       May 18- Liz W. Manuscript

b.       May 25- Jen O. Accompaniment paper

c.       June 1 - Jen O. Survival Analysis paper

d.       June 8- Open

e.       June 15- Jen O. Healthcare Accommodations paper

f.        June 22- Emily WPC posters

 Recorded by: CvE