Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: Aug 2, 2012

Present: Abby Crocker, Kairn Kelley (by phone), Amanda Kennedy, Rodger Kessler, Ben Littenberg, Connie van Eeghen

1.                  Theme:  Ben: prediction is not necessarily about regression.  There are many alternatives, each with strengths and weaknesses.  Good to have many tools in the toolkit to choose from.

2.                  Presentation: Abby – “How we picked the predictive model for the NAS article.”  NOTE: this is an excerpt; complete notes can be obtained from the presenter.
a.       Alternative methods of predictive modeling:
                                                  i.      Logistic: widely used, doesn’t have to be explained, but its limitations are not well understood, i.e. predictive power
                                                ii.      Clinical Heuristic
                                              iii.      Neural Net
                                              iv.      Bayesian Net
                                                v.      Recursive Partitioning – not well known but easy to explain
b.      Board example of recursive partitioning:
                                                  i.      796 babies, of whom 253 with NAS and 531 without, the remainder missing data; total is 784 babies
                                                ii.      No babies are “grey” – they either have been treated for NAS or not
                                              iii.      Each predictor will be applied to the 784 population, e.g. sex (f/m), maternal smoking (y/n), … and evaluate the strength of each predictor.
                                              iv.      The strongest predictor (for example, maternal substance abuse) is used to determine new probabilities
1.      The entire group of 784 has a 33% chance of NAS
a.       700 are positive for SA and 71% are NAS
                                                                                                                          i.      The next strongest predictor (for example gestational age)
1.      Older babies have a 65% of NAS
a.       Smokers have a 68% of NAS
b.      Non-smokers have a 15% of NAS
2.      Younger babies have an 89% of NAS
b.      84 are negative for SA and 14% are NAS
                                                                                                                          i.      The next strongest predictor (for example maternal age)
1.      Younger moms have a 16% of NAS
2.      Older moms have a 2% (no further analysis needed down this branch)
                                                v.      This model looks for the best fit and is highly dependent on how the variables are categorized
1.      Cannot go below some minimum number of subjects in a branch
2.      Can be forced into meaningful clinical variables, and tested that way (not by ranking the variables)
c.       Summary: there are three reasons to build a model. 
                                                  i.      Describe the world as it is, and reduce it to something that might be important.  Some of these are called exploratory studies.  No single model preferred.
                                                ii.      Predict a true relationship, even if it does not describe what is true in the world completely. Try recursive partitioning.
                                              iii.      Hypothesize the relationship between a predictor and a variable, using a t test of Chi-square (if there are only 2 variables).  Logistic modeling might be best.

3.                  Workshop Goals for 2012:
a.       Journal club: identify UVM guests and articles; invite to CROW ahead of time
b.      Research updates: share work-in-process

4.                  Next Workshop Meeting(s): Thursday, 11:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m., at Given Courtyard Level 4. 
a.       Aug 9, 16, 23, 30: remaining Thursdays in August will be cancelled.  Everyone is encourage to attend Book Club on all August Fridays at noon.  Contact Connie if you need the source document we are reviewing jointly.  New schedule for fall to be set up by Doodle poll later in August.
b.      Future agenda to consider:
                                                  i.      Kairn – review of draft article on IRR (no Abby)
                                                ii.      Ben: budgeting exercise for grant applications
                                              iii.      Journal Club: “Methods and metrics challenges of delivery-system research,” Alexander and Hearld, March 2012 (for later in the year?).  UVM authors who have published interesting design articles (Kim, Osler)
                                              iv.      Rodger: Mixed methods article; article on Behavior’s Influence on Medical Conditions (unpublished); drug company funding.  Also: discuss design for PCBH clinical and cost research.
                                                v.      Amanda: presentation and interpretation of data in articles
                                              vi.      Sharon Henry: article by Cleland, Thoracic Spine Manipulation, Physical Therapy 2007

Recorder: Connie van Eeghen

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: July 26, 2012

Present: Kristi Johnson, Rodger Kessler, Connie van Eeghen

1.                  Start Up:  What is our level of “I” in the FINER evaluation of this toolkit?  As it turns out, really very high.  So on with the toolkit!

2.                  Presentation: Connie and Rodger’s R03 Critique  - Aims and Approach
a.       We debated the value of two Aim statements vs. three.  Aims 2 and 3 are currently both about measurement; we decided that it will be simpler for the reader to have just one aim about measurement, with two sub-parts.
b.      Whether to select, as a primary outcome, one mental health screening score or a general statement about improving mental health status overall was hotly (well, maybe warmly) debated.  One screening score doesn’t cover the breadth of what Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) services provide, but it does make it easier to understand how we will evaluate the study.  TBC
c.       Reviewers questioned the significance of a toolkit relative to outcomes of care.  Rodger will further research sources that provide supporting theoretical constructs and results.
d.      One of the innovations proposed by the study is the use of a mixed methods approach, which one reviewer criticized as “not highly innovative or under-specified.”  The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, however, published a “best practices” guide specifically intended for NIH investigators to develop and evaluate mixed methods research applications.  There are few studies published in this field using this method and our belief is that we are relatively early as researchers using this approach.  Whether this is really an innovation or an area where the field is simply catching up is still open for discussion. 
e.       The method of approaching the second aim, measurement, is also a work in progress.  If we use one screening measure (such as the PHQ) as the primary outcome, then we can conduct a t test for paired samples, and we can adjust those samples as clusters (by practice) using the intra-class correlation coefficient as developed by Donner using Ben’s data from the VDIS study.  This can be described as one measure to answer the question “Does the toolkit work?” and there can be many other measures that will help us do this as well.  Patients will be compared to themselves at three points in time.  We could also run other comparisons, such as comparing patients in the practice with positive scores who didn’t receive PCBH services, but it is not clear if adding more examples of analysis to the Approach section strengthens the application or makes it more confusing. 
f.       The group agreed that there is a balance between making the application as comprehensive, and therefore scientifically interesting, as possible and making it as streamlined as possible, thereby making it more accessible to the reviewers who will be our “advocates” during the larger section meeting.  This is a debate that we can continue to have for a while.  Next step: new draft for Rodger and Connie to work on.

3.                  Workshop Goals for 2012:
a.       Journal club: identify UVM guests and articles; invite to CROW ahead of time
b.      Research updates: share work-in-process

4.                  Next Workshop Meeting(s): Thursday, 11:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m., at Given Courtyard Level 4. 
a.       Aug 2: Abby – “How we picked the predictive model for the NAS article”
b.      Aug 9: (no Abby)
c.       Aug 16: Kairn – review of draft article on IRR (no Abby)
d.      Aug 23:
e.       Aug 30: (new schedule?)
f.       Future agenda to consider:
                                                  i.      Ben: budgeting exercise for grant applications
                                                ii.      Journal Club: “Methods and metrics challenges of delivery-system research,” Alexander and Hearld, March 2012 (for later in the year?).  UVM authors who have published interesting design articles (Kim, Osler)
                                              iii.      Rodger: Mixed methods article; article on Behavior’s Influence on Medical Conditions (unpublished); drug company funding.  Also: discuss design for PCBH clinical and cost research.
                                              iv.      Amanda: presentation and interpretation of data in articles
                                                v.      Sharon Henry: article by Cleland, Thoracic Spine Manipulation, Physical Therapy 2007

Recorder: Connie van Eeghen