Present: Whitney
Calkins, MD, Abby Crocker, Kairn Kelley, Mark Kelly, Amanda Kennedy, Rodger
Kessler, Ben Littenberg, Charlie MacLean, Connie van Eeghen
Start Up: Introductions and welcome to Whitney Calkins
from Family Medicine.
Presentation: Rodger:
The Department of Family Medicine has invited research proposals as part of the
Transformation project, to be presented to Academy of Family Practice (1 year),
to be followed by a broader project (2 years).
Goal: engage FM faculty in research.
a. Can patient engagement and population adherence to EBM
guidelines be affected by development and implementation of a patient-centered
'MyActionPlan' that builds upon technology through large-scale health
assessment data collection?"
My Action Plan is an EMR
generated document for the patient to take home, in support of shared decision
making, e.g. to take cardiovascular medications, etc. Probably exists as a separate tab from the
AVS (After Visit Summary) to highlight what was most important to the patient
in support of good health.
Long term: Wilson Pace is
bringing together investigators across the NRN who are building similar
assessment tools.
b. Question: Can we develop and implement a tool within
PRISM to improve both population care and patient engagement specifically
improving reliability of cardiovascular disease management. (To be implemented
in one FM practice for this study.)
Specific focus: CV goals
(medications, smoking) with some clinical goals, either object (blood pressure)
or categorical (better, worse, the same).
Research goal is to develop and implement in one
The evaluators/funders (Tom and John) are in support of
this product development focus. Resource:
.25 FTE protected faculty time, with the support of PRISM developers to the
extent needed. This depends
significantly on organizational decision making.
Consider the construct: does goal setting affect
behavior? This can be tested on paper
and does not necessarily depend on an EMR intervention (e.g. SMART goal
setting; Excel spreadsheet 10 year projections related to patient risk
factors). There are also current web
based interventions:
1. The
current literature indicates that goal setting in the provider office has
limited support in connection with health outcomes.
2. Self-efficacy
literature does support links to positive outcomes, which links this work to a
larger model of prevention effectiveness.
Possible focuses (#1 below grew to be highest in
1. Collect
data for patient goal setting and report – is this Novel? Maybe good for infrastructure, if not of
national interest. Should be
a. 30
minute visit
b. Structure
conversation, e.g. SMART
c. Specific
to the patient’s selected issue (EtOH,…) – select which THIS project will focus
2. Report/plan
goes with patient
3. Report
4. Self-efficacy:
patient belief/feeling about their ability to change
5. Develop
a SmartForm to support EBP patient care and generate an action plan (clinical
decision support). Test as to whether it
has an effect on patients.
a. Physician
use of SmartForm likely to be low
1. Develop
on the conference table/role plan
2. Pilot
in one clinic with one/few providers
3. Develop
as a PRISM specification (in the future)
1. Validation
by patients in response to whatever the focus is producing, e.g. a standard
goal setting exercise
2. Identify
a measure for change in “patient engagement”
3. Include
measures that matter to your future audiences: cost, time, and utilization
c. Aims
Develop 'MyAction Plan'
1. develop
an health assessment for patient-generated data
2. use
that date to develop an individualized self-management plan
Implement My Action Plan in one FM practice
1. develop
EBM Cardiovascular content
2. develop
the CV SmartForm
3. integrate
SmartForm elements with the Action Plan incorporating data from health
Measure and Assess
If there is time, develop a comprehensive set of
SmartForms that include other chronic diseases
d. Further
research. Generalize the My Action Plan beyond CVD first to other FA
sites and then in a larger trial
e. Next
steps: narrow the focus and declare boundaries by early next week. Proposal is due by next Wednesday.
Sept 27: Charlie on ways to analyze and understand
narcotic prescribing in VT through various data sources and various ways to
summarize and present data that are useful to clinicians. This generalizes to
other medication categories as well and overlaps with Amanda's Medication
Management Project. (No Amanda)
Oct 4:
c. Future
agenda to consider:
Kairn – review of draft article on IRR
Ben: budgeting exercise for grant applications; NHANES
– lower female mortality for women taking birth control medications
Rodger: Mixed methods article; article on Behavior’s
Influence on Medical Conditions (unpublished); drug company funding. Also: discuss design for PCBH clinical and
cost research. Also: Prezi demo.
Amanda: presentation and interpretation of data in
Recorder: Connie van Eeghen