Saturday, June 7, 2014

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

Rodger Kessler, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, will be presenting Improving Primary Care: Measurement of Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration:Rationale,Measurement,Validation,Applications and Initial Data at the 2014 Conference on Practice Improvement in Tampa, FL in December. Congratulations, Rodger!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: May 29, 2014

Present:  Marianne Burke, Juvena Hitt, Kairn Kelley, Rodger Kessler, Ben Littenberg, Connie van Eeghen

Start Up: FRED has a new cable for HDMI but warning: it doesn’t fit all PC’s, so check ahead.  Kairn brought a conference brochure for developing a Gross National Happiness indicator, with events tonight and through the weekend (in Burlington). 

1.                  Discussion: RE-AIMing Planning and Evaluation in Health Care - Rodger
a.       Background: Rodger reviewed the past decade or so of studying the use of new knowledge in practice, with the result of an evaluation tool (and now a planning tool) to do so.  The model is called RE-AIM, which is a checklist for an evaluation scheme and specific measures.
b.      The framework focuses on context, practicality, is robust, comparative, comprehensive, and representative of the real world.
c.       The evidence must be: relevant, rapid, rigorous and replicable, identifies resources needed to for implementation, recursive (iterative)
d.      RE-AIM Framework:
                                                  i.      Reach: what percent and types of patients are reached?
                                                ii.      Effective: For whom is the intervention effective; in improving what outcomes; with what unanticipated consequences?
                                              iii.      Adopted: In what percent and types of settings and staff is this approach adopted?
                                              iv.      Implementation: How consistently are different parts of it implemented at what cost to different parties?
                                                v.      Maintenance: And how well are the intervention components and their effects maintained?
e.       Dimensions and definitions:
                                                  i.      Reach: participation rate and representativeness of participants
                                                ii.      Efficacy/effectiveness: effects on primary outcome of interest; impact on quality of life, negative outcomes
                                              iii.      Adoption: participation rate among possible settings; representativeness of settings participating
                                              iv.      Implementation: extent to which intervention was delivered as intended; time and costs
                                                v.      Maintenance: individual level (primary outcome over time): longer term effects of intervention > 6 months; impact of attrition on outcomes; and setting level (persistence of program): sustained delivery and modification of intervention
f.       Future issues:
                                                  i.      Health equity: will the design of the study effect the outcomes?  Will the way patient engagement operates effect the outcomes?

2.                  Discussion: Book club assignment for the summer: Exploratory Data Analysis (Tukey); Kairn will create an assignment plan.  Read 1st chapter (all 26 pages) and be ready to say something/ask question about that assignment.  Kairn will circulate reading materials.

3.                  Next Workshop Meeting(s): Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., at Given Courtyard South Level 4.   Remember: the first 15 minutes are for checking in with each other.
a.       June 5:  Chapter 1 of Exploratory Data Analysis (see above)

Recorder: Connie van Eeghen