Henry and Carleen Tufo Professor of Medicine and Professor of Nursing, University of Vermont
89 Beaumont Avenue, Room S459, Burlington, Vermont 05405
From: Hilda Alajajian <Hilda.Alajajian@uvm.edu>
Date: Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 12:38 PM
Subject: A new Funding Paradigm for highly scored but unfunded research applications - OnPAR
To: ACTIVE_UVM_PIS@list.uvm.edu
OnPAR (Online Partnership to Accelerate Research), is a recently announced funding paradigm for highly scored unfunded research applications. OnPAR is a matchmaking platform developed by Leidos where applicants and non-government funders come together. Government, private foundations, private foundations, pharmaceutical companies, venture capital funds, and other funds for biomedical research are part of a funding ecosystem that supports global biomedical research. The players are Leidos (the company supplying the platform), Partners (national and international government funding agencies who work with Leidos to announce OnPAR to their unfunded, high-scoring applicants), Members ( non-government and other private organizations and companies seeking to fund research) and Applicants (researchers with high scoring unfunded research applications).
OnPAR started as a pilot partnership between NIH and Leidos to find private support for highly scored but unfunded NIH Biomedical research applications. It is now in the process of expanding to other areas (Energy and Agriculture) and adding additional Partner agencies (NSF, DoD, DOE and NASA and others). Currently NIH is the only funding agency actively partnering with OnPAR to alert unfunded applicants, but any eligible applicant is encouraged to register at OnPAR and submit their highly scored, unfunded application abstract for consideration. OnPAR retains the abstracts for one year.
Some past articles about OnPAR:
· JACC: Basic to Translational Science - Funding Research Through the Online Partnership to Accelerate Research (OnPAR)
· NIH blog from Mike Lauer - A Pilot Partnership to Find Private Support for Unfunded Applications
· AAMC News – Program Provides Alternative Path to Funding for Research Grants
For questions contact: Martin A. Dueñas, MPA | Leidos
Director, Health Research Management Practice | Manager| Life Sciences | Health Solutions Group
Mobile (1): 202.905.4582 | mobile(2): 917.318.6521 |Skype: mduenas58
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
duenasm@leidos.com | www.leido
Hilda Alajajian, MLS
Grant Resources Specialist
Sponsored Project Administration
University of Vermont
(802) 656-1322