Present: Justine Dee, Nancy Gell, Juvena Hitt, Amanda Kennedy, Jerry Landau, Ben Littenberg, Jen Oshita, Adam Sprouse Blum, Connie van Eeghen (9)
1. Warm Up: Jen’s defense date is Sept 8!
2. Jen’s Scoping Review Intro and Methods entitled: “Accommodations Facilitating Effective Communication for Adults with Communication Disabilities in Healthcare”
a. Title: good
b. Co-authors: consider library specialists as potential co-authors, as a reminder
c. Intro
i. Check source for US adult pop statistics
ii. Is there a standard definition for CDs (communication disabilities)?
iii. Define “inadequate communication”
iv. Consider reorganizing the Intro sequence:
1. Current: Federal regs and standards, then effect on population, then effect on healthcare communication
2. Consider: reversing this order
v. Consider tightening language (examples given in discussion)
vi. Couch declarative statements in keeping with sources and to support the purpose of a scoping review, which is meant to identify the evidence that exists so far in terms of accommodations that are being studied
vii. Consider whether to include results of the identified studies, which will help support the eventual Discussion section. Is a table that reports each source essential?
1. The purpose of this study is for health care orgs to know what accommodations have been studied and for which populations, and to show the need for more rigorous studies.
2. Overall, a few studies were RCTs, one of which was very strong. “Here is the literature, with 3 RCTs and 38 weak studies.” Look at the 3 strong studies in depth as a review of what we know so far. Discussion: “Do fewer lousy studies and more RCTs!” And add solutions for how to do better studies, such as combining efforts across institutions and networks.
d. Methods
i. Summarize the key search terms
ii. Covidence 2023 is a platform that accepts Endnote citations and assigns literature sources are distributed equally, tracks reviews, eliminates duplicates, flags discrepancies between reviewers, allows extractions – has data management features that are handy; available at UVM
iii. Save results for Results!
3. Schedule for rest of the month:
a. July 20 - TBD
Recorded by: CvE