Present: Nancy Gell, Emily Houston, Amanda Kennedy, Jerry Landau, Ben Littenberg, Gail Rose, Liliane Savard, Alan Sprouse-Blum, Connie van Eeghen (9)
1. Warm Up:
a. Rain, rain, rain
2. Cell to Society – how to help non-CTS students apply the CTS Framework – Connie van Eeghen
a. Why this question
b. What is The CTS Framework
c. Spectrum of CTS
d. NCATs version
e. CTR
f. The difference between TS and TR
g. The problem again
h. Sample schedule of guests and readings
i. Can this course transition from a conversation about a virus to a conversation about the CTS spectrum? Yes
ii. Is the language too technical?
1. Research and development
2. New products and services
3. What is shown is not clearly a continuum but separate items with connections
a. Double headed arrows between each box?
iii. Some course themes are easier to use to communicate the CTS framework
1. This is an artificial construct: not the real world
2. It does “divide and conquer” which is artificial but useful
3. Maybe the question isn’t “where does this fit” but “how does this fit in every box”?
4. It is necessary to talk about the complexity of this process; simple examples are helpful
5. After each speaker, take the time to fit what was said into the CTS spectrum
a. What questions come up for you
b. Where do they fit into the spectrum
c. How does that fit into your own interests and work
d. It’s never about just one work
iv. Start each example with a simple example: vaccine development, different for each course (are there any simple examples)
1. Azithromycin
2. Mosquito DEET vs nets for malaria (how does that influence what basic science should be working on: what is happening, what can we do differently, which works best, how to deliver, and how can we spread this everywhere)
3. Yellow fever
4. Cooling centers and shade blocks in inner city
5. Others TBD…
i. Future semesters
i. Pick a single theme within climate change? Or keep it a broad net, for more chances to engage to students’ own work
3. Next meeting: July 19, 2024: Emily Houston on a topic related to her work
Recorded by: CvE