Monday, September 9, 2013

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: September 5, 2013

Present:  Abby Crocker, Kairn Kelley, Rodger Kessler, Ben Littenberg, Connie van Eeghen

Start Up: Rodger received formal notice that the SBIRT grant was approved – congrats!

1.                  Discussion: Abby – Natural History of Opioids projects
a.       New opportunity: examine opioid prescriptions by region or age, based on data availability and novelty.  Abby shared an article in Pediatrics, 2010; 126:1108-1116 “Prescribing of Controlled Medications to Adolescents and Young Adults in the US,” which uses ER and office visit data regarding controlled medications (not just opioids, although these are broken out on pgs 11-12.)  These NAMCS data end in 2007, whereas we can now access data up to 2010.  Also, this article did not focus on children under the age of 15 or discriminate between newly prescribed controlled medications and ongoing controlled medications.  Another new area of study is region, or urban vs. rural area of care delivery.  No published study has followed up on this study.
b.      Consider:  
                                                  i.      Separate studies for each kind of controlled medication: pain, sedative-hypnotic, and stimulants. 
                                                ii.      Separate the data by source: ED vs. office visit. 
                                              iii.      Analyze the incidence and prevalence of controlled substance prescription
c.       Plan:
                                                  i.      Review article carefully (Abby)
                                                ii.      Detailed literature review of the this topic, including more recent publications from this author-Fortuna (Abby)
1.      Assistance in reviewing journal articles: Rodger and others
                                              iii.      Develop skill with NAMCS and NHAMCS data sets
1.      Access the codebook and make it available (Abby)
2.      How were the data collected, sampling frame (Kairn)
3.      What are the variables (Abby, Kairn)
4.      Historical scope: what have we learned already from these data sets (Abby)
                                              iv.      Next step:
1.      Set up GIMR site for sharing documents (Abby)
2.      Research question
3.      Included population
4.      Design: predictors and outcomes
5.      Future possible topics
a.       Stimulant use in transition from adolescents to young adulthood (Rodger)

2.                  Literature Management: Ben shared Dr. David Craig’s (surgeon specializing in sentinel node detection) interest in an automated tool for organizing literature, which is connected to a search engine.  Anyone interested in trialing it should contact Dr. Craig with the introduction: “Ben sent me.” 

3.                  Next Workshop Meeting(s): Thursdays, 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m., at Given Courtyard South Level 4.   
a.       September 12: Kairn: IRB application (no Rodger; Amanda late)
b.      September 19: (no Ben, Connie, or Rodger)
c.       September 26: Abby (and Sharon Henry?) – practice presentation about VHCURES data base
d.      October 3: Abby - Update on Natural History of Opioids projects
e.       October 10:
f.       October 17: SPECIAL GUEST: Jay Piccirillo is an ENT from Wash U in St Louis who is expert in prediction models in cancer. He and Ben did a lot of work together many years ago about how to incorporate functional status measures into cancer staging to improve prognosis. Now he is working on how to develop personalized prognosis estimates and share them with patients.  A top-notch researcher and collaborator to meet and talk with.  10:30 – 12:00
g.      Future agenda to consider:
                                                  i.      Peter Callas or other faculty on multi-level modeling
                                                ii.      Charlie MacLean: demonstration of Tableau; or Rodger’s examples of Prezi
                                              iii.      Journal article: Gomes, 2013, Opioid Dose and MVA in Canada (Charlie)
                                              iv.      Ben: Tukey chapter reading assignments, or other book of general interest

Recorder: Connie van Eeghen

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