Recent HRS Data Releases and Updates The following data products are now available on the HRS website: HRS 2016 Core Final (Version 1.0): This file contains data from each of the seven HRS sub-samples (HRS, AHEAD, CODA, WAR BABY, EARLY BABY BOOMER, MIDDLE BABY BOOMER and LATE BABY BOOMER) for all of the sections of the 2016 Core questionnaire, including physical measures, blood pressure and psychosocial data but does not include results of blood tests. Those assay results will be released separately. The data collection period for the 2016 interview was April 2016 through April 2018. Final sampling weights for HRS 2016 will be available on a future release of the HRS tracker file. Below are the data and documentation resources related to this data product which are freely available from the HRS Website: - ASCII data files and corresponding SAS, SPSS and STATA program statements.
- Data Description - information on each dataset including description of content, advice on using the data and cross wave-merging.
- Codebooks – describe the contents, structure and layout of the data. Our codebooks provide variable-level information in HTLM format for core interviews and off-year studies.
- Questionnaires - the "box and arrow" representations of core interviews by section for all years.
- Question Concordance - a tool for cross-referencing survey questions across core interview years.
- Additional resources - user guides, video tutorials, publications based on analysis of HRS data and more.
RAND HRS CAMS Data File 2017: This file is a user-friendly version of Part B of the CAMS survey that contains annualized, cleaned, and aggregated spending and consumption variables with consistent and intuitive naming conventions across waves. Specifically, total household spending and household consumption are calculated across all categories and for these subsets of spending: nondurables, durables, housing and transportation. RAND HRS data files are available in SAS, SPSS and STATA formats and include corresponding data documentation. Questions, comments or concerns regarding RAND HRS files should be directed to The RAND Center for the Study of Aging creates the RAND HRS data products under subcontract from HRS. The HRS and the RAND products are supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). Please refer to the RAND HRS CAMS Data File 2017 for more information about this data product and visit the RAND Center for the Study of Aging website at for information about other RAND HRS data products. The following data products were recently updated: Restricted Data (see for more information on restricted data products) Cross-Wave Geographic Information (Detail) 1992 - 2016 Early v7.1: contains detailed geographic information (e.g. state and county identifiers, zip code, etc.) for respondents in the 2016 Tracker file who were interviewed in 1992 through 2016. Cross-Wave Geographic Information (State) 1992 – 2016 Early v7.1: contains state-level geographic information for respondents in the 2016 Tracker File who were interviewed in 1992 through 2016. Public-Use Data Cross-Wave Census Region/Division and Mobility File 1992 – 2016 Early v7.1: provides mobility and rural-urban information for all respondents and covers interview years 1992 through 2016. Please direct any questions, comments or concerns about HRS data products to | |
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