Thursday, December 5, 2019

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: Dec 5, 2019

Present:   Levi Bonnell, Nancy Gell, Jen Oshita, Connie van Eeghen, Marian Wingood

1.                   Warm Up: Marian’s soccer team won!  All posters and presentations went well – thank you CROW team!
2.                   Review of Grant Application: Marian’s proposal to increase physical activity in older adults, to be sent to the PT Foundation, due Jan 8 2020.  The template is new and laden with errors, so hard to use. 
a.       How is a physical assessment (PA) different than what a trainer would do?  Will it get reimbursed?  Define PA?
b.       PTs as promoting PA – this is a new model; how much support does it need beyond a single statement.  There is an outcomes/reimbursement relationship too; should this be acknowledged?
c.       Why start at 50 for the adult population?
d.       Explain inclusion of PAVS in the methods?
e.       Write the story of the pilot study at the start of the Methods section in chronological order
f.        Keep both aims for this one year project?
g.       What is the support for using a 3 point scale as a continuous measure?  And why are some tools referenced as a 4 point scale?
h.       Reduce use of acronyms
i.         Consider iPAB as the name of the tool?
3.                   Future sessions:  
a.       12/12: Specific aims for Levi’s comps
b.       12/19: no Nancy, no Connie

Recorded by: CvE

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