Friday, November 15, 2019

Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Meeting: Nov 14, 2019

1.                   Warm Up: Graphic texts (like graphic novels but about academic/research topics) have some high quality representations (“Open Borders” about the science and politics on the topic of immigration)
2.                   Book chapter review: Adam’s chapter on managing migraine
a.       Kind of book:
                                                   i.      Part of a book on pain (generally, all over the body), which will have 40+ chapters
                                                 ii.      Responded to request 18 months ago
                                               iii.      Coordination and communication has not been great; sudden request for final copy in 2 weeks
                                               iv.      Audience
b.       In medical and science fields, a book chapter is not as valuable as a peer-reviewed article, unless you are the editor.  It is a boost but the not sufficient for promotion purposes.  Great for demonstrating clinical activity for regular evaluations.
c.       Audience: primary care providers, but medical students too
                                                   i.      Add definitions: aura (consider using in case study) and osmophobia, depending on the target audience
                                                 ii.      Severe headache – same as migraine, leave as is in the case presentation
d.       Overview: there is variability in treatment of migraine; practical explanations about treatment is important
e.       Feedback: well-organized and written
                                                   i.      Figure is not part of the case presentation but appears as though it should be
f.        Conclusion: don’t repeat the case, create an elevator speech, include the pearls
g.       How the problem is managed: indicate the physical mechanism affected by the different medications, where known
                                                   i.      Consider a table of treatment options, including “FDA-approved” and “off label” as well as target dose and minimum duration
                                                 ii.      Preventive therapy: add guidance for stabilizing the medication dosage
h.       Discussion: peak prevalence applied to the full span of adult life is not very informative. Consider narrowing the age range, draw attention to the impact on employment years
i.         Watch for passive voice throughout; move to active as much as possible.
3.                   Future sessions:  
a.       11/21: Mariana Wingood
b.       11/27: cancelled

Recorded by: CvE

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